How the Reveal Background Helps you do Fast Background Check & Hire Faster ?

fast background check

What is a Reveal Background Check?

Recruitment of the right and best candidate is very important for any company. In fact the quality of an employee and his credentials are an asset to the concern. Hence a Reveal background check is very much necessary to find the prospective candidate, which collects data regarding the education, work experience and the identity of the person. Reveal Background Checks are accurate, quick and cost effective nowadays through technology and they help in creating a safer and stronger work atmosphere.

How are the Reveal Background Screening works?

Usually the Background screening is used to verify the applicants educational record, work record, court record and financial record using the Social Security Number and Date of Birth. Reveal background checks are carried by a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) or with Human Resources Information System (HRIS). The agencies are required to follow strictly the regulations given by FCRA and the state laws to do the employee background screening.

What are the aspects that can be revealed in Pre-Employment Background Checking?

The candidates Educational record, Pre-Employment History, Credit Record, Driving Record, Criminal History, Drug Screening, License and Certification Record, Social Media Activities, Identity and Address of the applicant can be screened through the Reveal Background Checking.

How does the Reveal Background Check help in hiring the employees faster?

Often a situation arises where the applicants do not furnish the actual details in their resume. Hence it is mandatory to check whether the certificates of education and work experience are genuine or not. But thanks to technology, tools like Digi Verifier are available to make a quick search and collect the exact data of the applicants. This tool Digi Verifier carries out the Digital Pre-Employment Verification in two steps.

The first step is Digital Verification in which the past employment details of the applicant are checked against the false proof data sources like ITR and EPFO. These data are reviewed and the checked inference and outcomes are validated. The outcomes are either Green or Red. When the inference is Green it indicates the data is correct and other checks can be carried out. If the result is Red, it indicates that the furnished data is not genuine and to close the verification and other checks need not be done. In the second step, Legacy method, collection of all pre-employment related documents is done. Then these documents are verified to be true or not from the employer. The employer is approached through emails to verify the documents. In case the employer does not answer the emails then a visit to the former employer is carried out to check the validity of the documents.

What are the benefits of utilizing Technology for Reveal Background Checking?

Using technology in the screening process saves a lot of time because the verification can be done easily through simple emailing. Also the whole process of screening is reduced to 50%, because technology helps in short listing the eligible applicants very quickly. Moreover the data transferred through emails are confidential and secure between the employer and the applicant. Another very welcoming aspect of using technology is, the entire process of recruitment is streamlined and each stage can be closely monitored to select the most eligible candidate who is suitable for the job.

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